Fire Safety Within The Workplace, Who’s Responsible?
If you are the owner, landlord or occupier of business, or another non-domestic premises, you will be responsible for the fire safety, as you will be known as the “responsible person“. The Fire Safety Order not only applies to the workplace, but also applies if you have paying guests, for example if you run a bed and breakfast a guest house or let a self-catering property.
As a responsible person you have certain responsibilities to yourself and others and you must complete the following:
- Carry out a fire risk assessment of the premises and make sure it is reviewed regularly
- Tell staff about the risks you have identified
- Put in place and maintain, appropriate fire safety measures
- Plan for an emergency, by providing staff information, fire safety instruction and training
Our online fire marshal training course will help you meet your requirements and is an ideal training programme to be run along side your workplace policies and procedures.
Our training is conducted using video based instruction, where each video can be rewound, or paused to gain a better understanding of the course content.
One registration you will be able to download all course materials, so that you can follow the course content and structure as you progress and once you have completed training you will be able to print your fire marshal certification.
Registration is easy by clicking the “Begin Training” button above, or a full breakdown of the course content and structure can be found on our Fire Marshal Training page.