Onsite Fire Marshal Training For Companies & Groups Throughout Suffolk
There is a requirement for companies to have in place nominated fire marshals and wardens to aid in building evacuation in an emergency and also help to keep employees and members of the general public safe. Keeping up to date with your fire marshal training requirements can sometime be difficult, so we can help by offering an onsite fire marshal training Suffolk course for group and company bookings.
To help you stay compliant we offer onsite fire marshal training and cover a wide area including Bury st Edmunds, Ipswich, Stowmarket, Newmarket, Sudbury, Hadleigh, Haverhill, Felixstowe, Woodbridge, Lowestoft, Mildenhall and all surrounding areas.
Our course is designed specifically for those who have been, or will be appointed to carry out the duties of a Fire Warden or Fire Marshal and this course includes the theory of combustion, the causes of fire and the correct way to tackle, using the fire extinguishers that are available. Training is completed over a course length of approximately 2.5 hours.