Workplace Fire Marshal Training Legal Requirements
Fire marshal training legal requirements is vital within the workplace, as fire safety and the legislation concerning this is contained within the The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order. This order has been designed to simplify the existing and sometimes complex fire safety within the workplace legal requirements.
This order made it a legal requirement that all staff members in a business environment had to receive at least some form of basic workplace fire marshal or warden training, whether these business were large or small.
All employers have a responsibility to their staff to ensure that their business appoints a sufficient number of “responsible persons” who will be trained as fire wardens, marshals to assist in an emergency fire situation within the workplace. The number of designated fire wardens or marshal you will need to train will depend on the amount of staff within your organisation and the type of work your business offers.
We Can Help...
To help you meet your workplace fire marshal training legal requirements within your company, we offer either fire extinguisher training, or an online fire marshal training programme that is approved by RoSPA and also CPD certified.
The courses that we offer are an ideal training solution for office staff, doctors, dental & hotel receptionists, childminders & teachers, security guards & door supervisors, factory & warehouse workers, shops & retail outlets, or anyone who would like to gain fire marshal training certification.
Our courses are conducted using video based instruction from within your own secure training area and are an ideal learning platform to be run along side your existing workplace fire training policies and procedures.
Training can be completed as an individual, or we can offer a company administration panel so a company administrator can monitor staff members as they progress through each course.
Registration and Start
You can complete the simple registration process and and start your required course by clicking the “Begin Training” button below, which will take you to the course registration page but you can also select the text link to be taken to the course page for additional information.
We are also able to offer an online fire marshal training for care homes course, which has added subjects that are relevant for the care home and social care environment. Our online training on how to use fire extinguishers is again a very interactive course and is an ideal training solution for office staff, doctors, dental and hotel receptionists.
Additional Online Health & Safety Courses
Through our additional online health & safety training website we also offer many addition online health & safety courses for the workplace that are completed using video based instruction. These health and safety at work courses meet many standards and can be completed at a time that is convenient to you.
Click the picture below to be taken to the course registration page, or click the text link to be taken to the course page for additional information.
If you would like any additional information regarding any of the fire marshal, or online health & safety training we have available please contact us through our contact us page.