Level 3 FAW First Aid Training Suitable Security

£49.95 + VAT

Level 3 online first aid training, approved FAW course, security, door supervisors.

We offer this level 3 online first aid at work training course, which is CPD certified. This e-learning first aid course and is a comprehensive and in-depth workplace first aid training programme.

This course is an ideal training solution and learning platform for door supervisors, security guards & also security control room staff.

Security guards and Door supervisors are required to hold a valid & up to date first aid training certificate. This online first aid course will help you meet those requirements.

This e-learning first aid training offers the door supervisor, security guard free first aid training certification. On successful completion of this course, you can download, print and store your first aid certificate for your training records.

Our online level 3 first aid at work training course was developed in line with the latest UK legislation. It also meets the requirements set out by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and other professional and regulatory bodies.

Please ensure this course meets your requirements prior to purchase.

SKU: FAW-L3 Category: Tag:


E-learning first aid at work training suitable for door supervisors, security guards, online level 3 CPD certified, approved course.

This CPD certified level 3 online first aid at work training course is an ideal learning platform for security guards, door supervisors and also control room staff. It is also ideal for anyone who works within the security industry and would like to gain a level 3 first aid at work training certificate.

Our course covers more that the basics of our level 3 emergency first aid course. It can help you gain the confidence to assist someone who needs medical attention prior to the arrival of the emergency services.

Additionally, it is also ideal to run along side your existing workplace first training policies & procedures.

This course is also suitable and ideal to be taken together with our online level 3 fire marshal training course programme.

Course Content Below

  • Primary survey
  • Recovery position
  • CPR & AED
  • Secondary survey
  • Bones and joints
  • Muscle injuries
  • Head injuries
  • Spinal injury
  • Heart attack
  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Stroke
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Extreme body temperatures
  • Eye injuries
  • Sepsis and meningitis
  • Croup
  • Drowning
  • Hypothermia
  • Recap and quiz

Course Certification
On successful completion of this level 3 online first aid training course you will be able to download, save and print your free first aid training certification. This can then be saved for your training records.

Door supervisors, security guards & control room staff are required to hold a valid and up to date first aid training certificate and this course could help you meet those requirements.

This e-learning first aid course can also help you with confidence & knowledge to aid someone in a medical emergency situation.

Additional Training Available
We also offer a dedicated online first aid training website, offering many additional online training courses that would be suitable for door supervisors & security guards. For additional information follow this link to our Online First Aid Training website.


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